Doing a multimedia experiment like the one we did with the help of information given to us by Judith O’Dea, got old school at times.

A question we get asked frequently is:

“Did you really interview Judith O’Dea fore before you did the Thrillumentary Movie Experiment?”

Our answer is, “Yes of course.” And Ms. O’Dea gave us some very valuable information about the inner workings of this extremely low budget production. Judith O’ea played Barbara in the original 1968 version of “Night of the Living Dead.” The original “Night of the Living Dead” was one of the most successful indie horror films of all times.

One Person is All it Took

We never, in our wildest dreams, believed that one day we really would do the two year experiment known by some by its secret name: “The MultiMedia Moviemaking and Matrix Methodology.” In this experiment, other than the actors in front of the camera, there was only one person who had to wear the hat for all the roles both involving the camera and behind-the-scenes.

A Heartfelt Thanks to Ms. O’Dea

Thanks Ms. O’Dea! We appreciate your help in making a difference of those in the Lights Camera Read Library Project as well as the 5M Methodology!