“Fans” is a curious term in contemporary times. It really means supporters – to whom we are very grateful.
And the “fans” have spoken. We feel pretty lucky to have the list of creative individuals that we do. After our message last week discussing the challenges we were having with the production “Thrillumentary” we got all kinds of positive feedback from our newsletter and blog subscribers. Essentially they were encouraging us to stick with it and letting us know they are looking forward to seeing the web series and subsequent pilot.
Also from the responses, we became very excited by the sheer volume of projects that are going on out there in cyberland. Those who wrote to us are doing everything from live theater productions to full fledged feature films with major distribution deals. Quite a remarkable artistic community!
Thanks to all the awesome “fans” who have spoken. After checking out all of the myriad links you have presented we are “fans” of you as well.
Being a “creative” in this day and age can be tough. But on the other hand there are so many funding/making/marketing/distributing options that it balances it out. There is a perfect fit for any endeavor. You no longer have to depend on others to give you the “thumbs up,” because you can use technology to make those opportunities for yourself.
More and more in the future we are going to be focusing on making this newsletter and blog a place that recipients can get “Artist Steps” toward having success in the arts world. Stay tuned for surprises. And climb the colorful stairway one step at a time.