Removing the Barriers of Entry
Thrillumentary is the movie that was made by one person (in conjunction with our video, film web production company), with the only other people being required were actors. Why do this? Because we believe everyone is creative and everyone has a movie in them that needs to be made. And by removing the barriers to entry, we create a doable path. In other words, the less things to worry about the more easily you will have it to pursue your filmmaking goals! But don’t stop there. You can even create your own awards show like we did as seen here, enabling us to give awards to our cast and crew (if you have one).
Taking the Leap
Hence when doing Thrillumentary from concept to script to casting to shooting, we gave students interested in the process a window into our system, hopefully inspiring others to take the leap into feature film-dom.
A Secret Process
We had folks from all over the country tuning in on a weekly basis for approximately 78 weeks to our latest “behind-the-scenes” of making a micro movie. Those taking the 78 episodes “course” were each given a secret code.
The Code Leading to Dream Realization
With this code they would be able to log in, just like an online course, because it was an online course, be it a very LONG course. We used the Thinkific platform to track our journey and connect with students along the way. Of course we did have the edge of having access to video, film and web equipment.
Just Start with No Excuses
At any rate, we learned a lot, some of which we’d like to share with you. The first and most important thing is to start right now. If you don’t have a script write one. If you don’t have filmmaking equipment then find an aspiring director or DP who does. We not only apply this philosophy to our movies but also to starting things like the earlier mentioned awards show. It’s also the approach we used when founding our video, film web production company.
Make the Movie YOU Would Want to See and are Passionate About
Another thing is to stop worrying and obsessing on whether or not you are making a movie that is “commercial.” You don’t want to make a “one glove fits all feature.” No, you want to make a film that has a VERY specific audience.
Finding Shared Passions
Think about what kind of person would enjoy the film the most. Start this thinking even as you write the script. Write your screenplay about something you’re passionate about. Next, search for people who have the same passion for the subject that you do.
Reaching Your Audience
Figure out how to reach them and get their email addresses via having a newsletter. Make them into your “collaborators” in the sense that each week you email them with behind-the-scenes news. This can start even before you have a script! If you do this correctly you’ll have a big audience ready to eventually pay for and view your movie on sites such as Amazon.
Just Do It
But the most important advice is to JUST DO IT. Jump in and don’t stop.
You Have Options
Oh, and another thing, if your film is no budget and you have to beg borrow and steal for things like cameras and locations, it’s okay to bring in more people. You can still be the main force and helm the film! You don’t necessarily have to be the only person working on it! It’s all optional of course!