Make Luck Happen

As our regular readers known, the mission of Thrillumentary is to engage in a movie process experiment inspired by the frugal working process of the classic cult movie, “Night of the Living Dead” made in 1968 made with virtually no budget yet went on to be a great success. One might think that the filmmakers of “Night of the Living Dead” were just lucky. Which begs the question “Can you consciously make luck happen in your own life?”

A Crew of One

To clarify, our original Thrillumentary mission was to document on a daily basis our own evolving online course. This resulted in an ever-increasing web blueprint of installments or lessons on how to engage in a “no budget” feature film venture. The way it worked was that others got to follow along on the internet with developing their own motion pictures mimicking the steps we were taking. This occurred weekly, over a period of around a year and a half. Our thesis was that with new technology is was possible to make a feature length picture with a crew of just one person (other than the actors involved). We also were advocates for the use of phones as a resource for providing a means of shooting your digital motion picture as well as to edit and market it.

Trying Something New

But now that this productive cinematic experiment is behind us, we feel prompted to explore new projects such as how to create your own luck. Like anything it takes practice to achieve being able to learn how to frame disruptions as a chance to try something new.